Will things ever get better?

over 12 years ago

I have been in my current relationship for over 4 years. A lot of this relationship has just been a waiting game “just waiting for things to get better” I have had my doubts about things for a long time and I need to know if I should just end it. His D.O.B is 12/25/85.

Lauren 11/21/83

over 12 years ago
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miko fox (miko)

279 posts

4 years is an awful long time. stop trying to make other people happy lauren and think about you. i hate to say it but this guy needs to get it though his head that you cant wait around for him forever. if you no longer have any interest in this relationship i say listen to your heart and take a break from him.

over 12 years ago

Although you don’t want to think you’ve wasted all this time, if you’re unhappy you have to leave. There’s so many more people out there, many that can make you happy, not neutral or content, but actually happy – Don’t waste your time waiting for someone who is stuck on being the exact same person.

over 12 years ago
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~ Mystical Mia ~ (mystical_mia)

33 posts

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