November 8th -13th Tarotscopes --PART 2

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SOPHIA ANGEL -Known for the... (sophia_angel)

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CANCER – A lot of things will be going on for you this week. Be careful with some personal depressions or frustrations or disappointments that will come for you this week. You tend to be so pragmatic and overly confident about things that you want to have in life, but then this is not really the right time for you to achieve your goals. Everything takes time so just stay put for now.

It’s also time to settle down your past debts or bills and don’t expect that your family will keep on having your back for every financial negligence or trouble that you will incur. This is also not the right time to get involved in any financing, installments or get something that is out of your budget range. Wait for things to be a lit bit established because this is still a rocky moment for you. Though on the other hand, if you’re single and looking you will most likely meet the right one this moment that will last for a longterm commitment.

So, it’s either you already know this person before but not yet available but now he/she’s ready to get into your life or this is someone from your not so distant past that you feel so closely connected with. The relationship that will come for you this month will have a possibility of ending up in marriage. Just make sure to clean up your slate before starting anew because you still have some hang ups from the past about someone, it’s time to cut off and move on and keep on moving forward.

LEO – This week, family will be on the top of your head. You need to get close to them because you have been all about yourself and your wants and needs in the past and it’s time to focus and give importance to your family obligations. Sex is also highlighted this week and you are very fertile, so if you’re not looking forward to get pregnant, then be very extra cautious as you will most likely get pregnant before the year ends--or if you’re a man, you’re most likely have someone impregnated accidentally. Avoid lying to other people and to yourself as you will most likely fail and incur karma for your all your bad deeds, someone around you is also betraying you—especially if you’re involved in a clandestine affair, then most likely the person that you’re with is only using you. If you’re in a legitimate relationship, most likely your partner is also having fun on the side. On a separate note, someone is coming from long long way carrying bad news and will only lead to betrayal or treachery.

Disappointments will also follow and you have to be very careful with your decisions. If you’re thinking of traveling again to move away, think again because this will only bring you nothing but losses and grievance. Work wise, stay focused in delivering your deadlines and reaching your goals especially by Friday because you are slacking off a bit with your work responsibilities and it’s already irritating some of your work colleagues and superiors.

VIRGO – As much as you don’t want things to end in your relationship, workfront or business right now, it has finally reached up to its final stage and I feel like it’s already too late and subliminal to salvate it. I But the good news is, money and more money coming to you. So if you’re trying to get a loan, selling something off or just simply waiting for an inheritance or stock payout, then you’re most likely a very excellent deal this week. Yet somehow, despite of this financial victory you still feel empty, discontented, sporadic, undecided and thinking more of the things that is not in your life or in your hands.

If you’re already in a relationship and things aren’t really doing well, you are more likely to dwell into an online dating or meeting someone else discreetly because you are not happy anymore in your life. Yet despite of the love that your partner is giving or attention, you feel like this is not really the right one for you. But what I can advise you right now, if you feel unhappy in a relationship, don’t cheat because you are already creating a lot of ripples of karma especially from the past. Just be brave to step out of it and look for yourself instead of a new love. Don’t make any brand new beginnings while you’re not yet sure of yourself and where to find your heart. There is also someone from the past who will try to wants to reach out on you, not for reconciliation but more for friendship.